Monday, March 16, 2009

Cars of Transformers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Perfect (Yet Seemingly Un-Attainable) Balance

How does an individual create the perfect harmony in their life with so many activities demanding a share of their time? Is there a simple way to balance work, family, church, community....exercise?
It used to seem so simple. I was raised by family and faith, "Family First". Now before I go further, each person reading this must understand that I believe that with all my heart. I love my wife and children more than anything is this entire world. The trouble I have is truly defining family. I know who my family is and where I can find them. I understand the activities my kids are involved in and how to participate in each of those. So moving on to the more difficult part...LIFE!
As a father and husband I have the responsibility to provide the necessities of life for my family. I feel I do a respectable job in aspect of my patriachal role. I run and operate a successful business. Herein lies the problem: I spend a great deal away from my family, so that I can take care of my family. So is work family time or work time?
In addition to work, I am deeply involved in my church. Every morning I get up shortly after 5 o'clock to teach high school aged students a religious class (seminary). I absolutlely love teaching this class. I love my students, I love the doctrine, and I love teaching. I believe a family should be raised with a strong religious teaching. I personally am a Christian and strive to raise my family according to Christ's teachings. By being involved in this class every morning I have the opportunity to bring understanding to myself of where I desire my family to be. Again, this is so positive for me, but this too has its drawbacks. More time.
Here is a brief rundown of my day: I leave the house very early in the morning, missing the waking hours of my children. I work all day rarely able to even take a lunch (this I know I could probably be better at). I come home in the evening just in time to eat the amazing meal my wife has prepared for our family. After dinner it is time to get our young children ready for bed. As they are laying in bed trying to sleep, I head straight for my desk and finish preparing my seminary lesson for the next morning. By the time the kids are asleep and lesson finished, I am exhausted and ready for bed.
My Point: During the week I spend much more time away from my family than with them. The time I am with them, we are all sleeping. I feel the time away from my family is spent to benefit my family. I am wondering if I am taking(or making) the time to see and enjoy the benefits this time is providing.
I end with the same question as I began: How does an individual create the perfect harmony in their life with so many activities demanding a share of their time? Is it possible? Or are we living on a contioulsy undulating teeter-totter?


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Up For Air...........Briefly!

It is a calm, quiet Sunday afternoon. Something I haven't experienced for quite sometime (calm and quiet that is!). I have forgotten how having a baby makes you suddenly very busy. These past weeks have been loaded with joy. I love seeing our two older children interact with their new baby sister. Now that's joy!
This is a short post, but I am going to actually enjoy my quiet moment. As I type this the children are beginning to wake! Let the good times roll!