Wednesday, May 28, 2014

21 Day Happiness Advantage Project

I'm joining a friend in a project to re-wire my brain for optimism, allowing myself to find greater happiness and success in both my personal and professional life.


In the video above, Shawn discusses five items that are key to creating lasting positive change. If these are done for 3 weeks he says there are noticeable improvements. I plan on doing these five key actions every day for the next three weeks and document my process.

THE FIVE KEY ACTIONS (Completed Daily)

   * Three Gratitudes
      I will write down three things that I am grateful for

   * Journaling
      I will write about one positive experience that I had during my day

   * Exercise
      I will exercise for at least 30 minutes

   * Meditation
      I will spend at least 10 minutes silently contemplating happiness

   * Random Acts of Kindness
      I will find at least one opportunity to serve someone whom I might not normally help.

I thank Steve for his invitation to join in this, and I pass along my invitation to each of you to join to along with us.